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~ iAM App - important Accounts Manager ~
Get an iAM App
~ Licence ~
Learn how to get an
iAM App Licence
Install the Trial Version
Follow the Installation Guide and then:
  1. Click on Overview on the main screen
  2. Click the Licence menu option and then click on Get a Licence
  3. Fill in the form and click on Continue
  4. An email is generated with the licence application attached
Receive an Invoice
Activate the Licence
  1. Blake Developments will generate an activation code once a licence application is received
  2. Payments can be transacted via PayPal and in Australia via Direct Funds Transfer
  3. The licence will be issued to the licence applicant that filled in the licence details in the app
  4. Upgrade the licence any time to include more users or change from personal to business edition
  5. The Trial Version is valid for 30 days only.
  6. Multi-user network installation notes:
  7. A multi-user environment requires each user to have the application installed, simply download the sample application
  8. The database and folder structure can be moved or setup on a network location
  9. To connect to a new database, on the login screen select New DB connection and then point to a valid iAM App Server Database.