Easily organize & group important accounts...

Entities and Accounts...

Setup one or more entities and create and allocate accounts to them. Group accounts using the account type qualifier, duplicate accounts or allocate an account to multiple entities.

iAM App entities can be real or made up, examples are:

Account security information such as passwords can be accessed with one click from the main screen. The image on the right shows the alert dialog for accounts that expiry or need renewing in the next 90 days.

iAM App main screen

Accessing account security details made easy...

iAM App security screen
Daily usage example...

You need to log in at your insurance company’s website.

iAM App creates up to 25 characters long random passwords and allows for 5 security questions and answers. The password is covered by default!

Once entered, simply click the round buttons to copy the value. No typing!

In a multi-user environment, access restrictions are available to the account and/or security information.

Designed for Microsoft Office environments...

Integration and automation...

iAM App includes several integrated and automated functions designed to simplify repetitive task and increase productivity.

  • Automatically create folders for entities, accounts and external entities. To open, simply click the folder button on the main screen
  • Link a file to an account and launch the file with one click from the main screen
  • Enable option to include the file in the compressed zip on-demand backup
  • Send HTML emails to accounts/external entities with email addresses; simply click the email button on the main screen
  • Generate professional Microsoft Word documents prefilled with the account/external entity details; simply click the W button on the main screen
  • Post expiry or renewal dates to Microsoft Outlook as an event or task
  • Export/import accounts and external entities to/from Microsoft Excel
iAM App account details
Fully integrated Business Management Software
PCBx3 Manager
Windows-based solution for small to medium-sized businesses