PCBx3 Manager | Online Documentation
PCBx3 Manager ~ Business Management & Accounting

PCBx3 Manager | Main Menu > Finance

This part of the system documentation deals with all PCBx3 Manager menu items on the main menu tab Finance. It makes frequent references to other parts of the full PCBx3 Manager documentation.

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Collabsible Details


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Collabsible Details


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New Cash Sale Details


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Cash Sale Register Details


The finance menu provides the following options.


The Asset Module is scheduled to become available in the third quarter 2016.

Break-even Analysis

Use the break-even calculator for what-if scenarios that allow for historical or manual data input and include a profit and loss analysis.


The budgets menu option opens the high-level profit and loss budgets form that provides high-level data-entry access.

Create and view budgets for all entities. Enter year totals and calculate the monthly distribution or enter monthly values and calculate year total.

The high-level budgets are incorporated in the Project & Loss KPIs reporting.


The Cash-flow option is scheduled to become available in the third quarter 2016.

Consolidated Accounts

The Consolidated Accounts option is scheduled to become available in the first quarter 2016.

CO Emissions

The CO Emissions option is currently in the design phase and scheduled to become available in the fourth quarter 2017.

The documentation for this section is coming soon...End of year functions

Financial KPIs

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Short-term provisions

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Transaction Menu

Transaction Enquiries

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The Inventory and the stock items that can be created provide integration with the following application modules:

  1. Quoting & Estimating
  2. Purchasing
  3. Invoicing
  4. Job Details
  5. Marketing Promotions
  6. Library

The Inventory Register provides all functions to organise, maintain and create new stock items.

Stock items can be imported from or exported to Microsoft Excel. An import wizard provides a quick way to upload supplier stock items or simply overwrite pricing information for existing items.

The Batch Update wizard allows for multiple data updates per stock item including moving stock items from one group or category to another.

Inventory Register

The top section of the Inventory Register - “Find Stock Item” - allows searching for stock-items by stock code or description or select pre-defined items from a drop-down menu.

Below that, the register shows the three-level grouping structure that allows for organising large quantities of stock items into logical groups, categories and sub-categories.

Use the grouping structure to filter and display stock items for the selected group, category or sub-category.

The Find Stock Item section >

The Group, Category and Sub-category structure >

The results stock item list and menu options >


Stock Item Details

Stock Item Details

Transaction History

Monthly purchase & sales summaries

The stock item history provides a summarised monthly view of quantities and value purchased and sold including running balance, year total and total of previous year.

Quantities and values are derived and separately shown from the following sources:

  1. Stock items purchased – Purchase Orders
  2. Stock items sold – Sales Purchase Orders
  3. Stock items sold – Cash Sale Invoices
  4. Stock items sold – Sales Invoices

The stock item transaction history can also be accessed from the stock item details form.


Supplier History

Same stock item - different suppliers

The stock item supplier history provides an overview when purchasing an item from different suppliers.

The system tracks total quantities purchased, calculates average unit cost and total cost and displays the number of transactions and the date of the last transaction.

The stock item supplier history can also be accessed from the stock item details form.


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System Tax Settings

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BAS Reporting

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Tax Tasks

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The documentation for this section is coming soon...

Key References & Settings

Tax Assessments & Advices Notice of Assessments PAYG Income Instalments Details Advices

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