PCBx3 Manager | Online Documentation
PCBx3 Manager ~ Business Management & Accounting

PCBx3 Manager | Main Menu > System

This part of the system documentation deals with all PCBx3 Manager Main Menu functions on the main menu System page. It makes frequent references to other parts of the full PCBx3 Manager documentation.

The sections covered in this part of the documentation are shown on the left.

The entity settings and configurations are used throughout the application and many determine how and what the system displays or calculates. This chapter here explains the key entity forms and options.

To access the main entity setup and settings form, simply follow the below steps:

Click the System option on the main menu top right-hand corner as shown on the right.

The main menu’s System page will be shown, click on Entity Setup.

The top of the Entity Setup & Settings form is shown on the right. Each tab is explained below.


The Entity Setup & Settings form displays the currently logged in entity at the top right-hand. The form consists of several tabs that are explained below. Some sections are filled-in already as part of the original database preparation.

Typically, once filled-in most values rarely change! The Entity Name is set by the manufacturer; it is part of the licence and cannot be changed unless a licence change is requested.

The Key Info tab

The Key Info tab contains key entity information, contact options and official references. Please review each and ensure their accuracy as many values are displayed on reports or emails!

The profit sharing & others section determines the entity type, broad category and industry. These configurations are preset, however they can be changed. The drop-down menu options effect overall system menu options that are applicable to the settings.

The profit sharing option allows profit sharing with human resources that have this option turned on.

The Security & Audit Trails option provides on audit trial of who accesses what forms and reports.

The Logo tab

The Logo tab consists of two sections, the entity logo for reports and information that is shown on reports. These options are used when printing and generating PDF system reports such as quotes, invoices and similar.

To use your own stationary, simply uncheck the first checkbox.

To place your logo file into the designated system folder, simply click on “Open Folder”. After you have copied the logo file into this folder enter the logo file name into the text box.

Note, if the logo is not correctly displayed you may want to save the file as 24-bit Bitmap or similar.

To design the report header, simply click the desired check boxes and then click the button “Create Report Header” to view the results.

The Financial tab

Financial Year Information

This section is preset and can only be changed via the Financial Year Admin function that also can be access via the Main Menu’s Finance page.

Payroll Settings

In the Payroll Settings section simply confirm the hours per week and start and end week days.

Tax related

The Tax related settings can be accessed from this tab and they are discussed further below.

Internet Banking

The internet banking website references can be accessed from Accounts Receivable and Payable and the Payroll Module.

Human Resource on-costs

The Human Resource on-costs are applicable to all Non-GST Human Resources that are setup in the HR Register. The superannuation value is set via the Financial Year Admin section and the remainder options are user-definable.

Total on-costs in percent are added to non-GST human resources' base pay when a labour transaction is generated and subsequently posted to the project or service job.

Sales Invoice Changes

The Sales Invoice Changes determine if and how a sales invoice can be changed after it was created. The options are as follows:

- A Change Requests for a Sales Invoices must be approved via Debtors Ledger. If this option is ticked a history of changes is tracked and each change must be approved via the GL Debtor Management console.

- A Change Requests for a Sales Invoices must be approved by someone else. Tick this option to require someone else to approve the change request.

The Payments tab

Client Payment Options

The Client Payment Options section determines if the electronic funds transfer or BPay options are shown on Sales invoices. Click the button “Modify…” to change text box values. Disable or enable the checkboxes according to your preference.

For the electronic funds transfer option all payment enabled general ledger accounts are displayed. Simply select the required account and fill in the banking details.

Creditor Payments

The Creditor Payments section provides a checkbox option that sets the default behaviour for the Accounts Payable / GL Creditors Management console’s creditor payment form.

The unchecked option previews the Remittance Advice when the forms “Print on Save” is selected and the checked option prints the report.

Client and Vendor selection for this Entity

This section points to a client and a vendor that was setup when the database was initially prepared.

The Client (Entity Name) allows for creating internal quotes, projects and service jobs as well as the default warehouse that was initially prepared.

The Vendor (Entity name) allows for tracking sales from the warehouse when allocating the vendor to a purchase order.

The Invoicing tab

The Default Client Invoice Terms section of this tab determines the default values that are allocated to new clients and new sales invoices.

Select the default value for the payment terms when creating a New Client.

Select 1 of 4 options for the default value for New Sales Invoice payment terms. The values can be overwritten at any time on the Sales Invoice form.

Selecting Option 3 allows allocating up to 3 preconfigured terms form the library. The terms can be overwritten at any time on the Sales Invoice form by simply removing one or more and then allocating different terms from the library.

To access the library for the preconfigured sales invoice terms select the Lookup Values option on the Main Menu’s System page.

To read more about the library, click here. This will open the topic in a new tab.

Tip! In the library, create all possible terms & conditions and allocate up to 3 to the entity so that they will be the default invoice terms. If required, each sales invoice allows overwriting these defaults simply by selecting different terms from the library.

The Invoice Reminder default values are for generic sales invoice reminder words that are displayed on the reports. For HTML Invoice Reminders an introduction paragraph is shown above the reminder notice.

The Quote 1 tab

The Quote 1 tab consists of the sections “Default Quote Flags and Terms” and “Default Project Margins and Material Mark-up”.

Default Quote Flags and Terms

Simply select the appropriate values from the drop-down menus; enter a value for the complete quote in x number of days and verify the default charge type checkbox.

Allocate up to 3 preconfigured terms form the library. The terms can be overwritten at any time on the Quote Print Options form by simply removing one or more and then allocating different terms from the library.

To access the library for the preconfigured quote terms select the Lookup Values option on the Main Menu’s System page. To read more about the library, click here. This will open the topic in a new tab.

Tip! In the library, create all possible terms & conditions and allocate up to 3 to the entity so that they will be the default quote terms. If required, each quote allows overwriting these defaults simply by selecting different terms from the library.

Default Project Margins and Material Mark-up

For quotes that are prepared on a cost-basis the system can automatically calculate and create the profit line-item based on the values supplied here. The profit is calculated in two parts, on over-heads and on the total value and they can be overwritten on each quote.

The Margin on Material concern “cost-plus” quotes only. Simply enter a value that is added to the cost of the purchase.

For quote line-items with the classification “Material and Labour” enter the default split value for material and labour – for example 30% is allocated to material and 70% is labour. The values can be overwritten on each quote line-item.

The Quote 2 tab

The preconfigured text and library options discussed here provide the defaults for many quote related reports and emails.

New Quotes - automatically insert library records

This option applies to new quotes and it allows allocating one or more library records. The library records can be specific quote line-items including headers that are automatically allocated to new quotes. Use this option if every quote must include certain line-items.

The library records are sourced from the Job – Library. To read more about this library, click here.

Follow-up Quotes - automatically insert description

A follow-up quote is a quote that is related to another quote or job. The option here allows defining a generic text that will be used as the main quote description.

Transfer to Quote - Library Jobs allocated to Requests

This option looks at client requests that have a Library Job classification and if so it determines whether the Library Job’s line-items are transferred to the quote.

The option applies only to Library Jobs that do have line-items.

Quote Acceptance text to display on reports and HTML Quote Emails

Simply provide a generic text to display when creating a quote report or HTML quote email. An example could be: “To accept this Quote and/or agreement, please sign and return copy to our office.”

Following-up on a Quote via email - insert email text

This option applies to completed quotes that followed up by sending them again as HTML Quote and include a small message. It allows for a generic text that is automatically inserted into the notes section above the actual quote report.

To read more above managing completed quotes, click here.

Default Quote Report Heading and more...

This section allows setting the default quote report heading and it provides options to configure the job sheet report that is available on the Quote | Print Options.

Tick the checkbox for service persons to see the client details on the job sheet.

When allocating a service person to a job sheet, the Service Person Amount and Description fields become available on the Quote | Print Options. This option here allows for a generic description and a base amount. Both values can be overwritten on the Quote | Print Options form.

Use this option if a service person receives a predetermined amount for a job. The amount will be shown on the job sheet. Set the amount to zero to hide this option.

The Jobs/Projects tab

Use this tab to set defaults and provide generic text for service contract renewals and purchase order delivery instructions.

Resource Projection

The resource planning module makes use of this value when calculating the forecasted resources. The value represents the standard (working) hours per day.


Simply set the default service type job.

Service Contract Renewal Options

The default sign-off on renewal notices is the person allocated to Job. Clear this checkbox and select a human resource that will be the sign-off person.

Select from Library

Select an introduction and a closing paragraph for service contract renewal notices from the Legal – Library.

An introduction example could be: “According to our records the above mentioned property is due for the [annual] maintenance.”

A closing example could be: “Thank you for the opportunity to provide this service. We are looking forward to hearing from you.”

Purchase Order Delivery Instructions

The first two textbox options appear on both the printed and HTML purchase order report. The last textbox option appears in the notes section above the proper HTML purchase order.

For examples, simply check out the values provided in the sample application.

The Other tab

Task Manager and MS Outlook

The first checkbox relates to creating a PCB Task and that the application can also automatically create a task in MS Outlook. Clear this checkbox to only store tasks in PCB.

The second checkbox determines what is created in MS Outlook. Tick the checkbox to create a MS Outlook Task or clear the checkbox to create a MS Outlook Calendar Event.

Client Requests

The client request provides two different “Allocated” summary reports that are driven by this check box.

Tick this checkbox and then use the Date and Time fields to schedule the site visit. A diary type report will list the scheduled site visits.

Clear the checkbox to simply track the Date and Time when the Estimator was allocated.

Default Settings for new Sites

When creating a new Site record, a default can be set to indicate if calling prior to visiting is required.

Sales Invoice Profit Calculation

The Sales Invoices Gross Profit Calculation takes place when Material and Labour costs are allocated to a Sales Invoice. Two reports available. Simply select the required report type.

The HTML Emailing Options provides key internet references to the entity logo that is shown in normal emails and email quotes, invoices and more. The tab also allows for generic text to be provided for various email reports and workflow messages.

To access the HTML Emailing Options simply follow the below steps.

Click the HTML Emailing Options button on the “Entity Setup” form's bottom left-hand corner as shown on the right.

The HTML Emailing Options are for the currently logged in entity that is shown on the form’s top right-hand corner.

URL Web-location of the Entity Logos that are used in emails

The Universal Resource Locator (URL) is the website location reference required for the entity logo shown on email reports and the smaller entity logo shown on normal emails.

For the logo to show, a valid URL must be provided in the following form: http://www.yoursite.com/images/entity_logo.jpg

Alternatively, you can ask Blake Developments to host the entity logos. Simply send the entity logos and then enter the URL as provided.

HTML Emails & Workflow Notices

This section allows for providing generic text and colour schemes to various HTML email reports and configuring the HTML workflow messages that can be triggered. Each tab is explained below.

Quote Email

Simply provide a generic introduction paragraph, set the report header font colour and the email background colour.

Invoice Email

Simply provide a generic introduction paragraph, set the report header font colour and the email background colour.


There are 8 predefined HTML standard emails in PCBx3 Manager. 5 of which are “formal” type of designs and 3 are “informal” designs. This tab applies to one of the “informal” designs.


Provide a background colour scheme to Vendor and Client HTML email reports.

Workflow Message 1

The Workflow Notice 1 is triggered when saving a new "Client Request" record for the first time.

The notice is designed to let the client know that the request was received and is in the "system".

Tick the check box to indicate that the notice trigger is used and add a generic text that will be included in the HTML Email message.

The HTML Email message will automatically include the site address and the client's request.

The recipient can be the client contact and/or any site contacts that have an email address.

Workflow Message 2

The Workflow Notice 2 is triggered when allocating a service person to a job on the Service Management Register.

The notice is designed to let the client know that the jobs was allocated to a service person and will commence shortly.

Tick the check box to indicate that the notice trigger is used and add a generic text that will be included in the HTML Email message.

The HTML Email message will automatically include the site address and the job description.

The recipient can be the client contact and/or any site contacts that have an email address.

Workflow Message 3

The Workflow Notice 3 is triggered when the job was started by a service person on the Service Management Register.

The notice is designed to let the client know that the jobs has commenced and will be completed in due course.

Tick the check box to indicate that the notice trigger is used and add a generic text that will be included in the HTML Email message.

The HTML Email message will automatically include the site address and the job description.

The recipient can be the client contact and/or any site contacts that have an email address.

Workflow Message 4

The Workflow Notice 4 is triggered when the job was completed by a service person on the Service Management Register.

The notice is designed to let the client know that the job was completed and an invoice will be sent in due course.

Tick the check box to indicate that the notice trigger is used and add a generic text that will be included in the HTML Email message.

The HTML Email message will automatically include the site address and the job description.

The recipient will be the client contact and any site contacts that have an email address.

Microsoft Word documents can be generated from within PCBx3 Manager and these options allow configuring the word document header and footer properties.

To access the Word Document Options simply follow the below steps.

Click the Word Document Options button on the “Entity Setup” form's bottom centre as shown on the right.

The word document options apply for the logged in entity that is shown on the form’s top right hand corner.

For the logo image file, simply press “Use Invoice Logo” or if required, you can place a different logo into the system folder and then provide the full logo file name in the text box.

For the Entity Slogan, simply press “Use HTML Slogan” or enter a different slogan into the textbox provided. Alternatively, leave it blank.

For all other fields, simply press the “Auto-fill” buttons or enter new values.

The Folder Paths provides access to the entity’s key folders. The form is divided into three sections. The key user folders, the PCB TimeSave interface folders and the application database and system folders.

Click on an arrow with the yellow background to open the folder.

Typically, once setup, these folders never change! Caution, when changing the path to a key folder!

The System Users main menu options provide access to system users and information on access rights and security details.

A system user account is a Human Resource record setup in the HR Register that is flagged as a system user.

The menu option will display the HR Register with all active system users.

To find out more about the HR Register and HR Details, click here.

The menu option will display a message on how to set access rights for system users.

The menu option is currently under review and unavailable.

The Maintenance section provides access to the key system lookup values, the PCB Library and administrative tools and information. The Maintenance options are is located on the System page of the Main Menu.

The system lookup values menu provides access to the key nine libraries that allow creating unlimited number of records. On new installations some libraries contain only default records. Simply select the default record and overwrite the description or meaning.

The Postcode Library contains over 10,000 Australian suburbs, state and postcode records that can be selected when entering address information. New encountered suburbs are automatically added to this library.

The remaining Lookup Values are explained below.

Term & Conditions for quotes and invoices

The terms and conditions for quotes and libraries are stored separately and allow for unlimited number of records.

You can allocate up to three terms & conditions to both quotes and invoices and in addition you can nominate up to three default terms on the Entity Setup form that are automatically added to new quotes and invoices.

You can change the default terms & conditions on each quote or invoice as shown below. Simply select a different term from the lookup library or enter something into the textbox.

The maximum length of a term or condition is 254 characters.

The lookup library for invoice terms and conditions is shown below.

To add a new term, press the button “Add New” and a new record appears in the list with the description “_New Term”.

Select the new record in the list and the description will appear in the textbox below.

Overwrite the value in the textbox and then press the button “Save”.

Transaction Categories & Rates

Transaction Categories are user definable and they should reflect the areas a business operates in.

For example, a building company would have the building trades listed as categories because the business operates in those categories.

For quotes, purchases and sales invoices, the categories work in conjunction with the 'Type' break-down that consists of 'Labour', 'Material', 'Material and Labour' and 'Equipment Hire'. This allows for a very detailed analysis of quotes, purchases, labour and sales invoices.

PCBx3 provides numerous reports that show transaction summaries grouped by categories and type.

Transaction Categories are required for the following key transaction types:

  • Quote Line Items
  • Purchase Orders
  • Labout Transactions
  • Sales Invoice Line Items

Two system categories are included and they cannot be changed. They are 'Administration and Foreman.

Set the 'In Use?' to 'Yes' with the button 'Turn on/off” to make the value available for the above mentioned transaction types.

To allocate charge-out rates for each category and for different skill levels press the 'Rates...' button.

The screen on the right shows transaction categories and the charge-out rates for different skill levels.

Client Industries

Allocating an industry type to a client record allows for reporting by client industry. A default type is allocated to new client records. The industry type can be selected on the client details form or batch updating multiple clients is available via the Marketing Menu’s Maintain Major Client Flags.

The Client Industry library is shown on the right.

Click the “Related” button to view and switch between some of the other lookup value libraries.

Click the “Manage” button to add and modify entries. The additional options are shown below.

To add a new industry, press the button “Add New” and a new record appears in the list with the description “_New Item”.

Select and double-click the new record in the list and the description will appear in the textbox below. Overwrite the value in the textbox and then press the button “Save”.

Tick the first checkbox for special strata plan addressing applicable to the Strata Management or Real Estate industries. The special addressing is applied to all reports.

Tick the lower checkbox for the industry that is allocated as the default.

Client, Site and Quote - Classifications

The client, site and quote classification is a simple rating flag that is allocated and allows for group searching or reporting.

The system simply sorts the classification code alphabetically and determines the top rated entry. This method is applied to the top-rated clients’ quick link on the main menu.

For sites, the rating allows for advanced postcode integration. It is possible to allocate multiple postcodes to a rating/classification.

Adding and modifying records is identical to the client industry library.

The PCB Library is a great way of storing all manner of business related information. The library comes with 16 subjects each allows creating unlimited number of topics and detail records.

The library includes two system registered subjects, the Jobs & Project and Legal subjects provide integration with other parts of the system. Both are explained in more detail further below.

Simply select a subject, create a topic and then add detail records.


The PCB Library is shown below. Create checklists or instructions for specific subjects and topics, or use the subject Knowledge Base to document your own product or processes for staff to make use of.

Select a Subject on the left to view the related Topics in the middle. Select a topic to view the details in the main list.

Hover with the mouse over the brown squares below the two lists to reveal the menu options.

Library Subject: Jobs & Projects

The Jobs & Projects library subject provides advanced system integration functions that can be applied as follows:

  • Basic integration

    Simply create job topics that resemble business services that you offer to the public. For example a builder could create the topics: small renovation, second storey addition, new roof construction, periodic building checks etc.

    When creating requests, quotes and jobs you can then allocate a library job. You can also use the “Quote Manager – Job Classifications” console to batch updated multiple quotes, jobs and underlying requests with a library job classification.

    The system provides several reports that summarise data by job classification and the Resource Planning module makes use of the job libraries by calculating average historical purchase and labour costs in order to forecast future resource requirements.

  • Advanced integration

    Select a job topic and create one or more detail records that provide the same functionalities as quote line-item records. This allows you to create a complete costing structure for a library job that can include headings, purchases sourced from the inventory and labour transactions.

    For requests with an allocated library job that includes detail records the system can automatically transfer these detail records to the quote when the request is escalated to a quote. This automation is an Entity Setup Configuration, to read more about it view the documentation of the Quote 2 tab or click here.

    The option can also be manually initiated from the Quote Details form’s Quoted Items page. The advantage is that immediately all required underlying formatted quote line-items are there and the user only has to update the quantities for the particular job on hand.

    The manual option allows picking only the required transactions from the selected library job.

The Jobs & Projects library when called from the Quote Details form’s Quoted Items page opens a designated window that provides different transferring options.

Select the job / project on the left and then select one or more transactions on the right.

Click the “Transfer Options” button to open the below shown dialog box.

Select the required transfer option and then press the button “Continue”.

Library Subject: Legal

The Legal library subject includes several registered topics that make up a complete works contract that can be modified to suit.

The works contract is integrated with the Quote Print Options form that allows printing, previewing and generating a PDF file of the works contract after the quote has been accepted.

The legal library subject also integrates with the Entity Setup form that allows nominating default introduction and closing paragraphs for service job renewal notices.

Simply create a new legal topic – for example Renewal Message for Recurring Jobs – and create two records and then selected them on the Entity Setup form’s Jobs & Projects tab.

The default text can be overwritten on the Service Contract Renewal Notice form by simply entering different wording or selecting a record from the legal library.

Library Subject: OH&S

The Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) library subject is integrated with the Project Details form’s Check Lists page.

Simply create new OH&S topics and add your own checklists, instructions, manuals or process steps.

Admin Menu

The Admin Menu provides access to general system information, system and workstations settings and administrative tasks. The menu options are shown below and each item is discussed in detail.

Admin Tools

The admin menu provides the following admin tools:

SQL Data Update – option to paste a valid database SQL

Key ID Values - option to system-wide roll-forward key report numbers

Site Reference – option to batch-update site folder references if parent folder reference was changed

Database Connection

The admin menu provides the following database connection options:

Backup database and system files – use this option to copy the database to the system backup folder

Compact Database – use this option to compact the database

Connect to a different database – use this option to connect to a different database

View current PCBx3 User logins - click this option to view the currently logged in users

The menu option shows the workstation settings first, click the button at the bottom of the form to view the system-wide settings and the workstation information.

Workstation | PDF Settings

The workstation settings are specific to the PC/computer that is running the application. At the top of the screen are environment variables obtained from the Windows Operating System.

In the section below, the PDF settings for this workstation can be configured. The section includes a link to the online documentation and a brief introduction of the purpose and usage.

For multi-user environments each workstation requires setting up individually.

To generate PDF documents in PCBx3 Manager the following three items must be configured on each workstation:

  1. A Generic Postscript Printer is required that prints to the port: FILE
  2. The Ghostscript utility needs downloading and installing
  3. Enter the postscript printer name and location of the Ghostscript executable file
Installing a Generic Postscript Printer

To install a Generic Postscript Printer simply follow the below steps:

  1. On the Start Menu select Devices and Printers
  2. Click Add a printer and then select Add a local printer
  3. Use an existing port and select FILE: (Print to File)
  4. When selecting the printer driver select the Manufacturer Generic
  5. Click the button Windows Update to refresh the list of available generic printers
  6. Select a generic colour printer – for example MS Publisher Color Printer
  7. Enter a name for the printer. Note: the name is required in PCBx3 Manager
Installing the Ghostscript Utility

To install the Ghostscript utility visit the Ghostscript download page and then select the appropriate version – 32-bit or 64-bit.

The Ghostscript download page is at: http://www.ghostscript.com/download/gsdnld.html

Download and install the Ghostscript utility.

Configuring PCBx3 Manager
  1. Open the Admin Menu and then select System | Workstation Settings
  2. On the page Workstation Settings enter the Postscript Printer Name
  3. Click the button Browse... next to the field Ghostscript Exe File
  4. Locate and double-click on the Ghostscript executable file (gswin64c.exe or gswin32c.exe)
  5. Press the button Save and then Close

PCBx3 Manager is now configured to generate PDF documents. Click the PDF Info button for more.

System Settings

The system-wide settings are initially derived from the entity’s current financial year settings.

The system wide values are currently only used by Stock Items that are shared across entities. All other instances are inspecting the entity’s current financial year settings.

Note! The values can differ to the entity’s current financial year settings however, when changing entity’s current financial year values the system wide values are updated with the same!

Workstation Information

The workstation information is for information purposes only. It is fetched from the Windows Operating System.

System Information

The admin menu provides the following information:

System Environment | PCBx3 provides key folder paths for all registered entities.

PCBx3 Copyright Information displays the Blake Developments copyright and trademarks.

PCBx3 License Information displays the licence holder, the registered entities and permitted number of users and the product code and serial number.

This part of the documentation explains the additional functions on the main menu’s system page.

Press this option to display the PCBx3 Manager Toolbar.

Click on this option to refresh all key performance indicators (KPI) on the main menu’s operations page and update all main menu pages with the current status for tasks, meetings & training, events and contact birthdays.

Click this option to open the inbound caller survey form that allows tracking the purpose of inbound calls.

Show up to 12 links in the system favourites section. Links are stored for the logged in user and they are like bookmarks.

A link can point to a website or a folder or file located on the computer or network providing an easy and convenient way to access information.

Easily create and view tasks from this main menu page that are all automatically linked to the business function technology. Tasks created on this main menu page are associated with the logged in user and the business function technology.